We killed mangy-dog by Luis Bernardo Honwana

IMG_7515Set in Maputo, Mozambique. Reviewed on 2018/12: https://www.instagram.com/p/Br3EF8yHVd7/

You read #shortstories such as these written by #luisbernardohonwanaand you realize that achieving excellent writing under 100 pages is not only possible, it’s also an outstanding skill to have. #honwana is a must-read writer from #mozambique which in a lot of ways set the stage for contemporary #mozambicanliterature to develop and more specifically for the more internationally well-known #miacouto to shine from. The more I read literature from #lusophone African writers, the more I fall in love with the combination of so many elements to create something quite unique and new. Here with #wekilledmangydog and the other stories, the creation of something new touches both the literary as well the #nationalidentity aspects. We are more familiar with the atrocities of the #salazarregime in Portugal. But this book aims to shed some light on the devastating effects of both a brutal regime and an equally brutal #portuguesecolonization on regular folks regardless of your social and racial status. Humans as #dogs or reduced to their most basic and animal instincts because of a perpetual feeling of being considered less than humans. It sounds like something you have read before. However I still invite everyone to read Honwana and let him transport you to the core of it all. #highlyrecommended #maputo#luísbernardohonwana#nósmatámosocãotinhoso #papacobraeu#asmãosdospretos #heinemann#lusophoneliterature

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