Orlando by Virginia Woolf

CFC5E9BF-D5C1-4613-8CF8-246CEE7E7DDDBook set in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey. Reviewed on 2019/05: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqlIlEhRop/

I love this book because it’s a master class on #shapeshifting and it’s literally what has made it timeless. Beyond its obvious #genderchange theme, #orlando also destabilizes our preconceptions on what a #biographyshould or shouldn’t be , is this a #satire or a revolutionary manifesto instead or at the same time? The #timetravelling effects add another level of the #shifting feeling at least from the reader’s perspective. I believe this is the third time I’ve reread #virginiawoolf ‘s #masterpiece and I feel myself as a reader also shapeshifting with the book. That’s also probably why this book continues to entice readers, infiltrate their minds and overall won’t leave anyone apathetic for good or bad reasons. So if you haven’t read Orlando, this beautiful #penguinclassics edition is a great help to learn more about #vitasackvillewest and the #bloomsburygroup . However I think there are endless ways to arrive at this text and #Woolf created a portal to enter through at leisure and as many times as wished to. #highlyrecommended#constantinople #genderqueerlit#britishliterature #loveletter#fictionalbiography

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